
Awaken the hero

louder than my doubt

Available on iTunes


We are awaken the hero


Based out of the Greater Atlanta, GA area, Awaken the Hero is a Christian music band on a mission to embolden the followers of Jesus Christ to impact the world for Him.  Following up our award-winning first release from 2009, the Hero rides again with the 13-track album Louder Than My Doubt - released on April 29th, 2016.


Songwriting, Lead Vocals, Keys / David Meadows
Acoustic & Electric Guitars / Greg LaBrie
Drums & Percussion / Dave Meadows



We are a small band of heroes.  Our mission is to create music that will wake up fellow believers in Christ to the freedom they have in Him, and the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through them.  Our lyrics are meant to refocus us from the distractions of this world to the face of Jesus and to remind us of His redeeming work in taking our sin upon Himself, and defeating death and the grave once and for all.


Life's struggles are real.  We try and we fail.  We feel trapped in cages we have made for ourselves.  Our dreams get smaller and smaller as real life wears us down.  But we believe that giants still fall, and mountains still move.  We have too long fought our enemy by turning the other cheek and not drawing the Sword of Truth and waging war.  We follow the Lion and the Lamb.  The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world as a sacrifice for our sin... but also the Lion of Judah - and this Lion's got a ROAR! 


Life is too short to spend it being entertained.  Get up!  Get involved.  Dream big!  Roar in the face of your enemy.  Follow your Leader, be His hands and feet.  Overcome.  Join us.

Be a hero.

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